The Dream
[[start]]"Hi my name is Alex, I always loved playing video games growing up. They have always had a connection to me since i didnt like to do much as a kid, nothing was enjoyable for me in school and i didnt have that many friends and just being alone playing video games made me feel like i was in my own little world it made me feel free."
[[Proceed]]"Lets start off the story with a good start. The story starts off with me enjoying my day and walking around school waiting for the day to be finished, when school finished i started my walk home, I get home and went into my room and the first thing i did was lay down and scroll on my phone. Later in that night i started doing homework and then watch TV and finally i started to get very sleepy and so i got ready for bed.
After falling asleep you start have a dream, your dream wanted to be something you enjoy to escape reality and enjoy life the way you want to without the people telling you that you cant, you think of 2 realities that let you choose that ability
[[Choose P5]] [[Choose XC3]]After Choosing the world of P5-
"Wow im in persona 5, it feels cool let me see what i can do here". (The world of P5 is the main character being joker gets in trouble for trying to save a woman from getting her purse robbed and the robber get him arrested for meddling in that moment and joker got probation and got sent away to be watched by sojiro sakura). I start to go around the high school and walk around and see which part of the story my dream lands me in, little did i know it was my favorite part madarames palace. The first thing i did was find the gang and i spent the entire day to find them and good thing i saw them by the train station. When i got to the train station i spoke to them i said i wanted to help their cause i even showed them my mask ( its a cool mask ), it didnt take long to convince them but it worked i was able to to go help them which was awesome.
[[Next Day]]After picking the Aionios Door you wake up and see that you are in the world of Xenoblade 3
"You start to get insanely excited as you've dreamed about this but this gets better". You look in the mirror and see that you are IN XENOBLADE, you actually couldn't be happier about this.
You enter the game with you Keves army including Noah, Lanz and Eunie Vs the colony of Agnes and the army of Keves wins after that you proceed to head back to Colony 9 (Awesome XC1 Reference). After heading back to Colony 9 you take a shower with the gang and after hearing the alarm you report to the command center to proceed with the next mission
The Next day happens and we meet up at the train station. The gang was talking about finding a way to get into madarame's palace or just find a way to unlock it, using my awesome game skills i told them exactly what to do and it worked they stalled yusuke and found hints and clues leading to the palace, after finding the clues we all went to the secret hideout being jokers attic (this is so raw).
[[ Go to LeBlanc]]I enter Leblanc and wow does it smell like coffee and curry my head is sprialing just looking at this my god. We go upstairs into the hideout and proceeded to enter the metaverse "OH MY GOD THIS IS AWESOME IM SO READY".
Maybe i could use a curry break before we kick ass
start [[A woman]]or [[Curry Break]]This is it right, finally im doing something i've always wanted to do i dont care that its a dream this feels awesome and i can finally live my life they way i've wanted to. All of us sneak into the palace and what do we see first? It's yusuke and madarame, "Am i going to see yusuke awaken his persona right now this is too awesome" I said to myself in thought.
[[Awaken]]I just witnessed a persona awakening which was so awesome oh my goddddddd im losing my marbles. i think now is the best time to use my persona...... AWAKEN MAGETSU IZANAGI "Hes super cool by the way".
After using both of our personas we ran away and tried to seek more clues in the palace to change his heart but it wasnt for long til he sent his minion's to attack us, i said we should fight back but ryuji says we say run away and find another route.
[[Fight]] or [[Escape]]We decided to fight and managed to snag alot of gold and cool item, nice. After beating the enemies we proceed to the route and go to the nearest safe room to talk and collect all the clues we've gathered so far.
[[Save Room]]We escaped by using a smoke bomb and found another way find a new route but managed to find a save room this is a good chance to collect our information and figure out a way to find the treasure.
[[Save Room]]As we go inside the save room we started talking about the data we've gathered so far and found a way to get to the treasure. We'll have to go to the top floor of the palace which is basically a muesum and go into the maintance room to use the crane to distract Madarames shadow and then steal the treasure.
I came up with the idea of being the scapegoat allowing the rest of the group to go on and steal the treasure, i knew what i was doing for them so to me its worth because i had magetsu "I'll be fine" i said. After telling them my plan we went forward with it and proceeded to start.
[[A woman- another version]]
As we go further into the palace we've reached the deepest part of the palace theres alot of paintings going further and further into the passage we see that have to find the correct painting to passage further.
"Its literally just a guessing game now great how are we going to do this", alright lets do this thing man. We try to find the correct painting i have to pick between 1 and 4.
Pick [[Painting 1]] or [[Painting 4]]Painting 1 was the correct piece of art you and the crew have been able to step further into the palace.
Good Job team!. Theres another batch of paintings now that we went further in we'll have to choose between [[Painting 2]] or [[Painting 3]]. Which one do we pick now guys?You picked the wrong one and now have encountered a enemy. You and the team have defeated the enemy and proceed to go further in.
Theres more paintings and we'll have to choose between [[Painting 2]] or [[Painting 3]].This was the wrong painting. GODDAMN IT ANOTHER ENEMY christ dude. After having that enemy encounter you make it further once again into the passage and found the exit route.
"Guys i think this is it, it looks like the exit let's get outta here so we dont have to deal with anymore paintings".
[[Exit]]This was the correct painting and we managed to go further into the passage and see the exit, "Yes guys i think this is exitway great job everyone lets go".
[[Exit]] We managed to make it pass the exit, as we go more into the palace we can see the top of the muesum. "Ok it looks like we reached the top, let figure out how we want to go in". The team discussed for a couple minutes and we got an idea, we'll have to enter the top of the roof and go through the glass window that at the top to make us enter without madarame noticing, "I like this idea very much guys lets do it".
[[Muesum Rooftop]]After breaking in from the top you can see the treasure, it seems to be a painting of some sort. We managed to sneak into the maintance room and started our plan, I go and distract madarame while the rest of the gang goes and steal the treasure.
"YOU WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE, GUARD SEIZE HIM." Madarame said. "You can try all you want but you wont be able to stop us", I replied. During the stalling that i've been doing the rest of the gang is getting ready to steal the treasure by using the crane but almost had some trouble using the crane.
We see the treasure and use the crane to snatch it and madarame notices and gets angry and unleashes his true shadows form.
[[Fight Madarame]]"Holy what is this why are there so many versions of him what the hell are we supposed to do"?
There was different colored versions of him perhaps if we used different elements they'd show us the real one and we'd be able to stop him and thats exactly what we did.
"Finish it off one more attack lets go guys its time for an ALL OUT ATTACK". We have now defeated shadow madarame and managed to steal his treasure, "Oh my god that was awesome that was the best thing i've ever done". As soon we won and stole the treasure the palace started to break down and die, "GUYS WE GOTTA GO THE PALACE IS TEARING APART LETS GET OUTTA HERE".
After leaving the palace we came back from the metaverse into real life and waited for a change of heart but it was 9 in the morning.
[[Wake Up]]After waking up you didnt get to see what would've happened and got sad, at least you had fun.
"Wow that was crazy fun, i'm kinda sad that i had to wake up it was really enjoyable".
When i woke up it was a little sad because i finally felt at peace finding something that i actually enjoyed instead of all this, maybe next time ill dream of something better.
The end.
Back to [[start]]?
The Mission that was handed to you from colony 9 was head into the forest as you've gotten word that enemy troops have invaded your territory so the three of you head out and go to find the troops.
Going into the forest you setup camp with proceed to take night shifts so you all can sleep, a couple hours later you all woke up and proceed to walk to the noises you heard and notice its the agnes enemy troops, the three of you started to attack each other.
Soon later you noticed a big robot that inside was a man and that man had a little circle sphere that sooner or later changed all 6 of their lives and myself included. Before the man died from the crossfire he pressed the button and all 6 of them got blasted by the sphere and their eyes changed they all had a dragon pupil on either there left or right eye and i managed to get caught in the crossfire and had i knew exactly what was going to happen.
[[Day After]]The day after those events the 7 of us being myself, Noah, Lanz, eunie, Mio, Taion and Sena explore the remains of the burned up camp to gather new belongings and rations for the journey ahead "bringing peace to the world of Aionios and Live forever instead of 10 years".
After Collecting all the items we needed we began to start the long journey ahead as we proceed to walk into the vast and beautiful Millick Meadows.
[[Millick Meadows]]As we entered millick meadows there way too much going on, crazy scenery and enemies but it wasnt for long until i see the big red monkey ROBART hes so big and scary i dont wanna die off the bat so we just ran away the big red donkey kong look alike.
After finding a camp we slept for the night and got back on the road to starting a really big journey to explore the vast word of aionios "Im very excited to explore this part because its mixed with gaur plain and gormott".
Going through the meadows we battle countless enemies, we make toward the [[Eagus Wilderlands]]Into the Wilderness we go, "Its so hot man my lord i dont know how im going to survive in this damn heat man holy crap". Dealing with the scorching hot heat i was going around and exploring. I just started to look around to see what areas were the wilderness combined into and i think its a mix of Mor Ardain and i dont know what else my brain had a brain fart sadly.
The first thing we had to do was go to colony 4 and find ethel the colony 4 commander (In the world of xeno 3 each colony has a commander and a rank, colony 4 is sliver ranked) and ethel is one of the strongest commanders in the world so its very important that we have to warn her.
[[Ethel's POV]] or [[Go to Colony 4]]Ethels POV-
"Who are you"?
"I am Council Q i represent your colony and it appears we have some trouble young one. These 6 kids were on thier way to reek havoc to colony 4 we need to prevent that at once".
Q shows ethel that me and the others were traveling to colony 4 and ethel refused to attack because she know that we meant no harm and so after that Q uses the power of the Mobius to mind control ethel to defeat us
{Mobius is the main villian group in this world they will do everything they can to stop you from changing the world).
[[Go to Colony 4]]"Alright we made it to colony 4 guys, but wheres ethel and everyone else i dont see them anywhere".
"We must prevent ouroboros from destroying aionios colony 4 stop them!" Ethel yells.
"Why would be friends with the infamous ouroboros the terrors of aionios you want to destory it as we speak and i will not allow that" Ethel claims while under the control of mobius.
[[Next]] "Ok it looks like we have no choice but to fight lets go everybody, or maybe we can hide to for a while to prevent anything from happening we might as well try to do that first either way we have to stop them".
What should i tell them? [[Run]] or [[Go to Battle]]After hiding for a bit the soliders couldn't find you, we thought we were in the clear until someone stepped on a rock and slipped (Way to go) and a soilder noticed and we started to encounter them and fight even though we didnt to.
"Well thats annoying oh well i guess time to fight sadly".
We managed to defeat the soliders and head on further ahead.
[[ Go on]] "Alright to beat these colony 4 bastards and save ethel from mobius's control im tired of these clowns already and havent even encountered all of them".
After beating the colony 4 soliders you got noticed by more soilders and had to battle them again, we should be in the clear now after defeating an extra 3 waves.
[[ Go on]]We decided to go further ahead when we noticed the mobius council "Q" it turns out he was watching and waiting for us the entire time (Isn't that swell).
"Well if it isnt ouroboros" Q says devilishly.
"You have cause alot of trouble for us why"? I said.
"Well because the mighty Z told us too and also ouroboros are meant to be the saviors of this world which isnt something we need because we're in control and dont need you to say otherwise" Q replies.
"Foolish kids you will now see the power of mobius" Q grunts and starts to transform.
[[ Battle Q]]We begin to battle Q and everything that could go wrong WENT wrong he was just too strong and i didnt know how to fight back or defend them. It wasnt til later until i decide to use my ouroboros powers to defeat Q.
During Q's attacks me and mio decided to use both of our ouroboros powers to defeat Q and both of us had a plan.
Which POV would like to go to?
[[Me]] or [[Mio]]Mio decides to distract Q while i use my power to defeat him and cut the flame clock which is the reason why colony 4 is under control and is attacking them.
Getting ready for stopping Q i get ready to stop him and mio's doing her job and distract him, now its time to defeat him lets do this thing.
I jump super high using my power and now transform back into myself to defeat the clock by using the gloves i him equip on me and punch through the flame clock that it shattered into so many pieces and everyone started to regain control over themselves.
"Yes i did it colony 4 is free and saved take that you flithy clowns".
"I cant believe i did that it was amazing but why do i feel so weak am i waking up now?".
[[ Wake Up again ]]In Mio's point of view she manages to distract Q long enough for you to defeat him and the flame clock to free everyone and save the day.
[[ Wake Up again ]] "Damn i why did have to wake up again everything was going so go over there it was getting to the good part".
It was alot of fun being in that world i hope maybe again i'll be able to go back soon i enjoyed escaping reality once more.
Back to [[start]] ?We had an insane curry break boss made the most bomb curry ever my tastebuds were dying in good taste, anyways its time to go to madarames palace.
[[A woman]]